Apertium: Machine Translation Toolbox / SVN / [r64517


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Meaning: [ə‚sɪmɪ 2021-04-07 · Another word for assimilate: adjust, fit, adapt, accommodate, accustom | Collins English Thesaurus Antonym definition. An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word. Use of synonyms and antonyms.

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What are opposite words of Assimilate? Misunderstand, misinterpret, exclude. Full list of antonyms for Assimilate is here. Antonyms for assimilation include disbanding, dissolution, division, parting, separation, split, dialysis, bifurcation, breakup and partition. Find more opposite assimilate | definition: take up mentally | synonyms: take in, learn, absorb, ingest, acquire| antonyms: bore, refuse, lend, sell, depressurise, desynchronize What is the opposite of Assimilation? Antonyms for Assimilation (opposite of Assimilation).

Similar words: assimilate, dissimilar, dissimilarity, similar, similarly, assassination, similarity, be similar to. Meaning: [ə‚sɪmɪ 2021-04-07 · Another word for assimilate: adjust, fit, adapt, accommodate, accustom | Collins English Thesaurus Antonym definition. An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word.


anthracite. antracitaktig. anthraciforme, anthracitic poter de assimilation.

Assimilate antonym

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Antonyms for.

Antonymes pour Assimilate.
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assimilation assimilation. assimilera assimilate. Ett exempel som nämns i Josefsson (s56) och Yule (s48) är assimilation t.ex at. 'have' isolerat uttalas /hv/ men köpa – sälja (antonym). • titta – stirra (hyponym).

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Här hittar du synonymer och antonymer (motsatsord) till Assimilation. En synonym till en fras har samma betydelse eller en likvärdig betydelse. En antonym till  Synonyms.

Apertium: Machine Translation Toolbox / SVN / [r64517

opposite meaning. Find 405 opposite words and antonyms for assimilate based on 17 separate contexts from our thesaurus. əˈsɪm əˌleɪt; -lɪt, -ˌleɪt This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term assimilate. Princeton's WordNet (3.00 / 1 vote) Rate these antonyms: absorb, assimilate, ingest, take in (verb) Find 44 ways to say ASSIMILATE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
