1.4 miljoner underskrifter för att förbjuda burhållningen av djur
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2018 — rinitiativet ”End the Cage Age” i Europaparlamentet i Bryssel. Dryga 100-talet djurskyddsorga- nisationer från olika EU-länder står bakom End the Cage Age will work on eliminating all of these cages. Please, take the time to watch our film and share it with as many people as possible. End the Cage 13 feb. 2012 — Idag togs medborgarinitiativet End the Cage Age upp under en hearing i EU-parlamentet.
Cages inflict suffering on enormous numbers of farm animals every year. The Ferrero Group, building on its commitment to 100% cage free eggs, joins other food companies across the EU in sending a letter to the EU Commission and Members of the EU Parliament: they call for a phase out in the use of cages in animal farming, starting with laying hens. The letter commends the aims of the ‘End the Cage Age’ European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) which calls for the The worst country is Spain who cage a shocking 86,688,972 (89%) animals. They are closely followed by France with 79,740,289 (75%) animals caged. Both countries have no bans for the use of cages on any farmed animal, despite overwhelming public support for such bans.
We collaborated with Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) and launched a campaign that aims to end the use of cages in 10 Oct 2018 With 1 million signatures in 7 countries in less than one year, the European Commission has to react officially to the request of ending cages.
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End The Cage Age Let's end the keeping of European farm animals in cages. Sign up to join the community for a cage-free world.
Lantbruksdjur in English, translation, Swedish-English
We call on all the governments across the UK to end this inhumane treatment of farm animals. Cages inflict immense misery on enormous numbers of farm animals every year. 2021-04-15 The 'End the Cage Age' European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) launch events were held in the European Parliament, many Member States with the support of MEPs and national NGOs – including an event with Pamela Anderson and MEP Yannick Jadot (see photo below). MEPs also held online actions, to help the ECI collect signatures. Grazie a quanti hanno firmato l'iniziativa dei cittadini europei per mettere fine all'era delle gabbie. Ora gli animali allevati in gabbia hanno la speranza The EESC gave the floor to the ''End the Cage Age'' European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) at its plenary, held in Brussels, providing a European level platform to express its goals and concerns about the welfare of farming animals. EESC vice-president Isabel Caño welcomed Olga Kikou, coordinator of the initiative, congratulating her on the successful ECI: it had gathered more than 1.5 million Cookies.
9 Oct 2019 La Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea "End the Cage Age" cerró a mediados de septiembre con más de 1,5 millones de firmas que se reunieron
17 Mar 2021 We hope the End the Cage Age Initiative will help improve welfare for all laying hens in the EU and lead to better welfare conditions for other
The End the Cage Age campaign set out to run a “European Citizens' Initiative” ( ECI) to end caged farming in the EU. The ECI is a heavily regulated process for
L'Iniziativa dei Cittadini Europei (ICE) “End the Cage Age” chiede la fine dell'uso di ogni tipo di gabbia per allevare animali a scopo alimentare, ed è sostenuta
15 Jan 2020 End the cage age. We collaborated with Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) and launched a campaign that aims to end the use of cages in
10 Oct 2018 With 1 million signatures in 7 countries in less than one year, the European Commission has to react officially to the request of ending cages. End
30 Dec 2020 Billions of animals around the world suffer in factory farms. Focused on Europe, FOUR PAWS calling for the world to End the Cage Age.
1. Sign the petition to ban cage farming · 2.
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Hora. 11:00. Lugar. Aula Magna de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universitat 6 Nov 2020 EU citizens' "End the Cage Age" initiative moves forward. The European Commission has received the "End the Cage Age" citizens' initiative, 17 Mar 2021 The letter commends the aims of the 'End the Cage Age' European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) which calls for the end of cages in animal farming Cages inflict suffering on enormous numbers of farm animals like pigs, chickens of grassroots NGOs is uniting to push the EU this year to end the cage age.
The European Parliament will hold a public hearing on the sixth successful European Citizens’ Initiative ‘End the Cage Age’ on 15 April from 9.00 to 12.00. Due to current COVID-19 constraints, the meeting will be held partly remotely with limited physical presence in …
Lebensmittelunternehmen stellen sich hinter End the Cage Age Berlin (ots) - EU-Bürgerinnen und Bürger fordern mit der Europäischen Bürgerinitiative "End the Cage Age" die Abschaffung der Käfighaltung in der europäischen Landwirtschaft.
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This makes the End the Cage Age ECI the: 6th ECI to succeed among 75 registered initiatives in the last eight years 3rd with the highest signature count 1st successful ECI on farmed animal welfare End the Cage Age Cage farming is a nightmare that we can end Over 300 million farmed animals suffer in cages across Europe. This is cruel, unnecessary and has no place in Europe. Our movement seeks to ban cages completely. 2021-04-16 2020-01-29 Kampanjen End the Cage Age kräver att Europa förbjuder burhållning av lantbruksdjur.
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2018 — Djur i bur utsätts ofta för stort lidande eftersom de begränsas kraftigt i sina rörelser och hindras från att utföra många naturliga beteenden. End the Cage Age - potential att förändra livet för miljontals djur i Sverige och EU dlvr.it/RxVg5V. 5 7.
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Medborgarinitiativet End the Cage Age, som kräver att Europa utanför EU-kommissionen för att uppmärksamma uppropet End the Cage Age, en av de största kraftsamlingarna för lantbruksdjuren i Europa någonsin. Du är här: Hem » End the Cage Age – skrota burarna » pig end cage age. pig end cage age. « Tillbaka. Dela nyhet: Här finns vi. Svenska Djurskyddsföreningen 12 apr. 2021 — End the Cage Age - potential att förändra livet för miljontals djur i Sverige och EU http://dlvr.it/RxVg5V pic.twitter.com/U25XihbHpY.
29/03/2019. Hora.